
Wednesday, 23 November 2016

GCSE Food students experimenting with different types of batters today. Well done to Max for an excellent batch of American style pancakes!

Tuesday, 15 November 2016


Revision link to Carbohydrates.
Year 10 Food, Preparation and Nutrition students - remember you need to know about complex and simple - monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides.

Year 9 GCSE Christmas Cake design inspiration

If you are in the Year 9 GCSE Food, Preparation and Nutrition group with Miss Burnham you will be busy planning your Christmas cake design for the competition.
Have a look at the following links for plenty of ideas and inspiration!

How to decorate a Christmas Cake

Some inspiration from previous students:


Monday, 25 April 2016

Year 11 - useful revision of different job roles

Year 9 (and Year 11) good reasons as to why we cook food - 

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Can you remember your colour coded chopping boards and culinary terms?
If not then these should help!

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Stanborough Stirrers Food club

Reminder to all students that the Stanborough Stirrers Food club starts again next Thursday the 28th of April.
The club is open to all year groups, so come along and have fun cooking up a range of dishes!
You will need to collect the recipe for next week from the T9 food room.
Suitable information for all year groups on knife safety:

Monday, 18 April 2016

Year 9 - useful revision for meat and poultry.

Year 11 - this was a question from 2012. Either print this out for revision, make your own revision mind map or produce a revision card!

Sunday, 17 April 2016


Welcome to "Stanborough Stirrers" the blog where you can find news, information and revision tips for Food and Catering at Stanborough School. 

You can also follow us on Twitter for all the D&T news from Stanborough School @DandTSta

Year 11 - you will be able to find plenty of revision information to help you prepare for your exams. 
Year 9 - you will be able to find useful links to help you prepare for your exam next week.